Thursday, July 26, 2012

Nom, nom, nom!

I love food! When I got married two and a half years ago, I couldn't even cook mac and cheese. My noodles were either too soggy, or I added too much milk. That's not to say that I didn't try. I remember at the young age of 11 I took the challenge to make Cream Puffs. It did not turn out well. The inside wasn't the right texture and the bottom was crispy. Eeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!!

Anyway, so after I got married, I started watching a lot of Food Network. Chefs like Giada De Laurentiis, Jamie Oliver, and Nigella Lawson inspired me to try again. I've learned not to get discouraged and to keep trying and tweaking recipes until I get it right. My poor husband has been the guinea pig in many failed recipes.

In this blog, I'll be sharing my adventures in the kitchen. I'll be trying new recipes, sharing my favorites, and probably some other random things. I hope I can inspire someone the way I was inspired!

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